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Food Services

Lavelle Walters
Lavelle Walters
Food Services Director
325-348-3136 ext.236 
506 Jefferson
Santa Anna, TX 76878
  • Food Service Director, Santa Anna ISD, 2006-present



Santa Anna ISD is an equal opportunity provider.

Texas school districts offer access to a variety of nutritious and appealing meals that accommodate the health and nutrition needs of all students.  School nutrition programs reflect the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and other criteria to achieve nutrition integrity.


National School Lunch Program

Nutrition Information: CDC

Local Wellness Policy

Civil Rights P0licy

Santa Anna ISD 2023-2024
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

Santa Anna ISD has again qualified to operate the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Program and provide breakfast and lunch to all children at NO CHARGE. This eliminates the collection of meal applications for free, reduced-price and paid student meals. The new approach reduces burdens for both families and school administrators and hels ensure that students receive nutritious meals. 

For additional information, please contact:

Lavelle Walters
Food Services Director